本文由Yurii原创,转载请注明来源: Life Sailor

本文链接 书摘:Strangers to Ourselves

囫囵吞枣地,看完了Strangers to Ourselves。之前没有太多的积累(对心理学的了解基本来自于大学时学过的教育心理学),细节肯定照顾不到,不过也因为对什么都新鲜,也留了个大致的印象。



If we are unhappy with our self-views, there are things we can do to change both our story and our adaptive unconscious. It is not easy, and not many of us have the talent and fortitude of novelists such as Marcia Muller and Sue Grafton, who forged themselves into the image of heroines they created in novels. Little steps can lead to big changes, however, and all of us have the ability to act more like the person we want to be.